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Philip J. Currie
Professor, Dinosaur Palaeobiology
Eva B. Koppelhus
Assistant Professor, Palaeobotany and Palynology
Clive Coy
Chief Technician, Dinosaur Palaeobiology
Howard Gibbins
Lab Technician and Volunteer Coordinator
Annie McIntosh
PhD candidate
Christiana Garros
Master’s student
Khoi Nguyen
Master’s student
Colton Coppock
PhD student
Gorm Raun
Master’s student
Jordan Stock
Master’s student
Declan Rourke
Master’s student
This list only includes degrees completed or positions held by each individual as a member of the Currie Lab. A link to their thesis or dissertation is included if published in the University of Alberta Education and Research Archive.
Matthew Rhodes
’19 MSc, RA
Aaron Dyer
’21 MSc
Mark Powers
’20 MSc
Aaron van der Reest
’20 MSc
Greg Funston
’19 PhD, PDF
Scott Persons
’11 MSc, ’16 PhD, PDF
Sydney Mohr
’18 MSc
Katherine Bramble
’17 MSc
Angelica Torices-Hernandez
Lisa Buckley
’09 MSc, ’16 PhD
Michael Burns
’10 MSc, ’15 PhD
Gavin Bradley
’15 MSc
Elizabeth Kruk
’15 MSc
Victoria Arbour
’09 MSc, ’14 PhD
Miriam Reichel
’12 PhD
Lida Xing
’12 MSc
Phil Bell
’11 PhD
Robin Sissons
’11 MSc
Derek Larson
’10 MSc
Michael James
’10 MSc
Eric Snively
Darla Zelenitsky
’04 PhD, PDF
Jørn Hurum
Leon Claessens
’96 MSc