Gavin Bradley

’15 MSc

Hailing from Ireland, Gavin received a BSc in Archaeology and Palaeoecology with First Class Honours at Queen’s University Belfast before moving to Canada to pursue grad studies. At the University of Alberta, he completed a MSc with Specialization in Systematics and Evolution in 2015. His research examined a juvenile specimen of the tyrannosaurid Gorgosaurus. Analysis of changes during growth and potential indicators of social behaviour helped provide information about its anatomy useful for taxonomic identification. It also led to finding alternative measurements to record data that account for fragmentary or crushed fossils. After his master’s, Gavin began instructing courses as the Science MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Coordinator, overseeing delivery of PALEO 201–204 at the University of Alberta. Besides teaching, Gavin is also a talented acoustic guitar player and poet.



Bradley, G.J., Burns, M.E., and Currie, P.J. 2015. Missing data estimation in tyrannosaurid dinosaurs: Can diameter take the place of circumference? Cretaceous Research 55: 200–209. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2015.02.010

Funston, G.F., Persons, W.S., Bradley, G.J., and Currie, P.J. 2015. New material of the large-bodied caenagnathid Caenagnathus collinsi from the Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada. Cretaceous Research 54: 179–187. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2014.12.002

Bradley, G.J. 2015. Assessing Social Behaviour, Ontogenetic Change and Taxonomic status in a Juvenile Gorgosaurus libratus (Dinosauria; Theropoda; Tyrannosauridae): A multidisciplinary analysis [master’s thesis]. University of Alberta Education and Research Archive. DOI: 10.7939/R3CF9JF51



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