I am interested in the “ecology of fear,” in which organisms exposed to parasites or parasite cues change their behaviors, with consequences for host fitness. Behaviors such as grooming, feeding, and mating are the main focus of my research.
Contact Information:
email: carolin3@ualberta.ca
Liang, C. and Luong, L.T. 2024. Ghosts of parasites past influence current non-consumptive effects in Drosophila nigrospiracula. International Journal of Parasitology, accepted April 22, 2024.
Horn, C.J., Liang, C., and Luong, L.T. 2023. Parasite preferences for large host body size can drive overdispersion in a fly-mite association. International Journal of Parasitology 53: 327-332. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2023.03.003