Multiple members of the Evenden lab drove down to Calgary, AB to attend the 2016 Entomological Society of Alberta Annual meeting from Oct 27 – 29. Dylan Sjolie gave a presentation during the Forest Health session on “The sublethal effect of microsporidian infection on flight of the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). Nicholas Grocock was apart of the Pollinators & Canola talk session and discussed his presentation “Bumblebee (Bombus spp.) bycatch in moth pheromone traps positioned in canola and wheat crops of central Alberta, Canada”. Sarah McPike gave her presentation entitled “Effects of nutritional provisions and volatile plant chemical lures on parasitism of Caloptilia fraxinella by Apantales polychrosidis on green ash in Edmonton” in the Food, Smells, and Life (History) portion of the meeting. During the same session, Amanda Jorgensen presented her first field reason data “Sex pheromone monitoring of wheat midge: efficacy of commercially available lures and traps”, which she also received a travel grant for her presentation.
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