Josh Pigeon, 2024. M.Sc.
Cranial morphometrics of pine marten (Martes americana) and weather during development.
Grace Enns, 2021. M.Sc.
Stone sheep project
Jenny Foca, 2021. M.Sc.
Ungulate abundance in Elk Island National Park
Meghan Beale, 2019. M.Sc.
Is cougar habitat selection on a reclaimed mine based on prey availability?
Samantha Widmeyer, 2019. M.Sc.
Using Stable Isotopes to Infer Diet Specialization in Cougars (Puma concolor)
Tyler Trump, 2019. M.Sc.
Increasing average age of bull elk in southwest Alberta without a limited entry hunt (LEH)
Emily Blythe, 2019. M.Sc.
Predation effects on waterfowl production
Anne Loosen, 2017. M.Sc.
Black bear monitoring project
Christina Prokopenko, 2015. M.Sc.
Winter range ecology for elk in SW Alberta
Dana Seidel, 2014. M.Sc.
Understanding home range development in elk
Jeremy Banfield, 2012. M.Sc.
Characterizing cougar (Puma concolor) behaviours from movement metrics in southwestern Alberta
Michelle Bacon, 2010. M.Sc.
Ecology of cougars in the Cypress Hills of Alberta and Saskatchewan
Mara Erickson, 2010. M.Sc.
Evaluating the abundance of the Western Grebe in Alberta
Andrea Morehouse, 2010. M.Sc.
Prey composition, habitat selection and movement of wolves in southwest Alberta
Joe Northrup, 2010. M.Sc.
Effects of road and access management on grizzly bears
Christine Robichaud, 2009. M.Sc.
Evaluation of caribou management strategies
Tammy McLash, 2008. M.Sc.
Models for pheasant habitats in SE Alberta
Hawthorne Beyer, 2006. M.Sc.
Do predators structure ecosystems?
Jennifer Carpenter, 2006. M.Sc.
West Nile virus and sage-grouse conservation in Alberta
Carrie Roever, 2006. M.Sc.
Grizzly bear associations with roads
Catherine Shier, 2006. M.Sc.
Synchrony between mink and muskrat populations in Canada
Shevenelle Webb (Mullen), 2006. M.Sc.
Fur harvests and landscape Change in West-Central Alberta
Kirby Smith, 2004. M.Sc.
Population models for caribou
Julie Mao, 2003. M.Sc.
Habitat ecology of elk influenced by wolf predation
Travis Ripley, 2003. M.Sc.