We value diversity and welcome scientists from all backgrounds, regardless of gender, gender expression, race, color, ethnic or national origin, sexual/affectional orientation, age, or ability.
Disclaimer – This information is correct to the best of my knowledge. (Alumni: Please send me updated information!)
Current Lab Members:
Rassol Bahreini (Senior researcher): I have been a honey bee researcher for over 30 years . I have received my MSc and PhD in Entomology from the University of Ahvaz (Iran, 1993) and the University of Manitoba (Canada, 2015), respectively. In my previous positions, as Apiculture Research Scientist in the Animal Science Research Institute-Iran, and Alberta Agricultural and Forestry-Canada, I carried out many studies of honey bee biology, control of parasites and pathogens, integrated pest management, and studies of Varroacides. In addition to teaching graduate and undergraduate students, my extension activities encouraged beekeepers to adopt new and improved methods of honey bee IPM to manage pests and diseases, using a variety of methods. My recent projects were focused on new miticides and antibiotics to assist producers in solving challenges related to honey bee parasites and diseases. At the University of Alberta, I will continue my research on the development of new miticides and antibiotics for control Varroa mites and Nosema disease. | |
Breanna Bevan (Undergraduate student): I am a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Integrative Physiology here at the University of Alberta. I started in the Rueppell lab as an I-STEAM intern helping to better understand how honey bee colony size effects egg size plasticity in queens. Since joining the lab, I have learned a pool of knowledge on both bees and bee keeping. When I am not busy with the bees, I can often be found watching a hockey game, reading a book, enjoying the outdoors, or spending time with friends and family! | |
Claudia Garcia Figueroa (PhD student): As an undergraduate, I studied Veterinarian Medicine and Animal Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM). Then, I got a Master’s Degree in Sciences of Animal Production and Health at the same University under the supervision of Dr. Miguel Arechavaleta; my research project was focused on honeybee genetics, specifically on the effect of hybridization between European and Africanized honeybees on morphological, metabolic and reproductive traits of honeybee queens. I estimated the genetic and epigenetic effects of honeybee queens’ wing beat frequency, weight, forewing length, and ovaries’ size using phenotypic approximation. I am thrilled to start my PhD, extending my work on honeybee genetics and behavior. Outside of research, I love dogs, hiking, camping, scuba diving, volleyball, and board games. |
Jacob Herman (PhD student): I earned my Bachelors degree in Entomology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I worked with Dr. Gene Robinson on various components of honey bee neuroethology and evolution. After this, I attained my Master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior under the supervision of Dr. Ulrich Mueller. My thesis focused on studying the ecology and population dynamics of Apis florea, the Dwarf Asian Honey Bee, and involved the collection of natural colonies spanning all of India. I have joined the Rueppell lab in hope of continuing my work on Asian Honey Bees, and better understanding the ecology and genetic architecture driving complex adaptations to stress and life history across Apis. I have transitioned from UNCG to the UofA. | |
Chenoa Kaufman (Undergraduate student): I am a fourth-year undergraduate student in Honors Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology here at the University of Alberta. I am always thrilled to be working in the Rueppell Lab, so I am very thankful to be funded by the NSERC-USRA for my second summer here. I am working on understanding Black Queen Cell Virus infections in honey bees, and I hope to develop my apiculture, molecular biology, and leadership skills this summer. Outside of my work, I also enjoy volunteering with the U of A Rotaract Club, spending time in the sun, and being with friends or family! | |
Carina Lai (Laboratory manager):My research interests broadly encompass molecular ecology and organisms’ responses to environmental stress. I previously received my Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Queen’s University (Undergraduate advisor: Dr. Fran Bonier) and gained experience as a lab technician in Dr. Pedro Antunes’ lab at Algoma University before pursuing a Master’s degree at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Dr. Sean Rogers. For my master’s research, I examined the impacts of sedimentation on early-life phenotypic outcomes and gene expression in Coho salmon. In my new position, I am now excited to learn about honey bees. Outside of research, I enjoy hiking and playing musical instruments. | |
Demi Meier (Research technician): After completing my bachelor’s in animal health science at the University of Alberta (2022), I now have the exciting opportunity to join the Rueppell team and assist Dr. Bahreini’s research on Varroa mites. Throughout my academic career I spent my spare time volunteering at the local zoo and animal rehabilitation center, and I assisted my dog’s vet. Before joining this team, I was part of an environmental engineering lab where the focus was water and the impact we have on the resource. Just like my pervious experiences, the honeybee research is adding to my passion for animals and nature. | |
Travis Murray (Undergraduate student): I am a fourth year student in the BSc (Hons) molecular, cellular, and developmental biology program at the UofA. My scientific interests are broad, but I am particularly fascinated by the largely invisible yet profoundly consequential microbial world and by the genetic underpinnings of all life (and some non-life!). This year, I am excited to be investigating interactions of honeybee viruses in the Rueppell lab thanks to NSERC-USRA funding. Outside of the lab, I enjoy getting involved in science communication and exploring the natural world. | |
Ajay Poudel (MSc student): With a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural science from the Agriculture and Forestry University in Nepal, and backyard/farm beekeeping experience since my teenage years, I have developed a deep appreciation for bees because of their role in pollination and the value they convey to the bee-keeping community. Determined to contribute to the existing knowledge on honeybees, I have joined the Rueppell lab as a Master’s student in UofA Department of Biological Sciences, with a motive to work on the honeybee health, specifically, honey bee viruses. I look forward to this opportunity to study the efficacy of putative immunoregulatory substances in virus infected honeybee foraging activity along with exploring the probable immune pathways. As a person who loves to learn, teach, and do research, staying in academia is among my future plans. Outside of my academic life, I love singing, reading & watching fantasy, and following cricket. | |
Olav Rueppell (Group leader, mentor, and PI): For a summary of my interests and contributions, please see my CV.
Office: CW-468A Bio Science Building |
Dawit Shibiru (Undergraduate student): I am currently a fourth-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta. My academic interests include sustainability, animal behaviour, and ecosystem ecology, and I am deeply passionate about delving deeper into these fields. This summer, my focus lies in understanding the impact of the cyanobacterial toxin Microcystin-LR on honey bee health and foraging behaviour. In the future, I am eager to expand my scope to include larger animals or other insect species. Beyond academics and research, I enjoy reading, thrifting, and spending time with my cat, Siquar! | |
Yosef Hamba Tola (Postdoc): I am a NRC Postdoctoral Research Scholar hosted in the Tarpy Lab at North Carolina State University, working with Dr. David Tarpy, Dr. Olav Rueppell and Dr. Micheline Strand. I received my B.Sc. in Biology (Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia, 2011); M.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (PAUSTI-JKUAT, joint degree, Kenya, 2014) and Ph.D. in Genetics (University of Pretoria, South Africa, 2021).I am interested in investigating the degree to which the beneficial bacteria in the honey bee system are linked to colony health. I plan to use this information to identify bacteria with a “probiotic” beneficial effect on bee immunity against major honey bee pathogens and environmental stressors thus identifying a promising tool for bee health improvement. Prior to starting my postdoctoral research, I served as a research assistant in Animal Health Theme (Jun. 2021 – Feb. 2022) and PhD research fellow in Environmental Health Theme (Jun. 2017-Sep. 2021) at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya. My previous work contributed to uncovering hidden diversity and host-specific microbiomes of bees from sub-Saharan-African regions, and revealing an important and unexplored universe of bacterial symbionts, and pathogens associated with black soldier fly and tick species. I also worked on indigenous rhizobia for inoculum production in Ethiopia and Kenya, when I was a research fellow at the Africa-ai-Japan Project-JICA (Dec. 2014-Jun. 2017) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture-IITA (Jan. 2013-Nov. 2014) in Kenya. In parallel, during my research fellowship sponsored by Asia Africa Science Platform Program (AASPP) in Okayama University, IPSR in Japan (2015), I developed the first bacterial chemotaxis fishing method used to screen and enriched environmental chemotactic bacteria using a glass capillary. For more on information on my work, please check my GoogleScholar. |
Gursimran Toor (MSc student): After having finished my Bachelor’s of Science with a specialization in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Alberta, I knew that I wanted to further pursue academia. My education during my undergraduate degree served to increase my interest in molecular biology and genetics as a whole — the focus of my graduate work. I’m currently working on genomics studies focused on elucidating the relationship between stress tolerance and the transition of honey bees between worker castes on the molecular level. Outside of the lab, I am an amateur gardener, and an avid sports fan. | |
Alyssa Turnbull (Research technician): I am a recent MSc graduate from the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta, focusing my research on utilizing bioinformatic techniques to better understand the whirling disease host Tubifex tubifex. My interest in parasitology and invertebrate biology is continuing to grow in my work helping Dr. Bahreini and the Rueppell research group study honey bees and Varroa mites. When I’m not at a lab bench or completing field work, I can be found in my backyard garden with my pets or playing video games with my friends. | |
Alexander Walton (Postdoc): I have been studying the biology of social insects for over a decade, beginning with my undergraduate work on Temnothorax ant collective behavior and bumblebee task specialization at The University of Arizona (under the guidance of Professor Anna Dornhaus). After graduating, I worked as a laboratory assistant to Dr. Vanessa Corby-Harris and Dr. Kirk Anderson at the USDA-ARS Carl Hayden Honey Bee Research Lab, where Apis mellifera left its indelible mark on me and I decided I wanted to study honey bees for the rest of my life. I completed my PhD in Professor Amy Toth’s Lab at Iowa State University, where I used honey bees and paper wasps (Polistes fuscatus) to examine the role of nutrition in the regulation of individual variation in social behavior. My dissertation is entitled “Individuality in the Hive: Behavioral variation and its proximal causes in insect societies.” I continued to research paper wasps during my postdoc (co-advises by Professor Toth at Iowa State University and Michael Sheehan at Cornell University), where I worked to develop functional genomics tools for the study of Polistes fuscatus. I am broadly interested in the causes and consequences of behavioral variation in social groups, and the evolution and maintenance of cooperation. Visit my GoogleScholar. |
Prabashi Wickramasinghe (PhD student): I earned my Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Immunology and Molecular Biology from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. After graduation, I worked for two years in Sri Lanka as a Temporary Assistant Lecture at the University of Colombo and as a Teaching Assistant at the SLTC Research University. My undergraduate project in constructing a bio-engineered E. coli for biotransformation of alkanes, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Inoka C. Perera, made me further realize my enthusiasm in studying the wonders of the molecular world, my fascination in exploring the dynamic assemblies of macromolecules and mysterious molecular pathways sustaining fundamental cellular processes in all forms of life. I am very excited to be working in the world of honey bees and their viruses in Dr. Reuppell’s lab as a Graduate Research Student. I aim at understanding molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity in viruses infecting honey bees and mechanisms that mediate antiviral immunity in honey bees. These studies will help us better understand honey bee biology, insect immunity, and the evolution of virulence. I hope to pursue a career in academia and take great joy in teaching and interacting with students as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Alberta. |
Andrea Wong (Undergraduate student): As a plant-lover (and general nature enthusiast!), bees have always piqued my interest and I was really excited to volunteer at the Rueppell lab this summer. Now, I am working on a project to investigate body size in different species of honeybees using transcriptomics! I am also currently completing my last year of my undergraduate degree in the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (Honors) program at the UofA. Outside of research, I enjoy creative writing, photography and hiking. | |
Breana Yim (Undergraduate student): I am going into my last year of undergraduate studies in Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta. Words cannot express my excitement for the opportunity to join the Rueppell Lab and delve into the world of honey bees by assisting Dr. Bahreini’s research on the development of miticides and antibiotics for Varroa mites. Outside of the lab, I enjoy running, reading and learning new skills (like tattooing!). |
Past Graduate Lab Members:
Xufeng Zhang: “Various projects” (visiting researcher 2023 – 2024), now working at Shanxi University. | |
Robert Xinzhi Lu: “Evaluation of the efficacy of the novel varroacide 1-allyloxy-4-propoxybenzene, and assessmentof sublethal exposure on honey bee and Varroa destructor gene expression” (MSc 2021 – 2024), now PhD student at the University of Oxford. | |
Jennifer Hofmeyr: Research support for many projects as lab manager (2021 – 2024). Now working as Wildlife Disease Technician for the Government of Alberta. | |
Thais Pimenta Ferreira: “Development of novel Varroacides” (research technician: 2023 – 2024). | |
Prashant Waiker: “Recombination rate and genome evolution in social insects” (PhD: 2017 – 2022). Now working in the biotech industry. | |
Bin Han: “Egg size plasticity” and “Honey bee virus infections” (visiting researcher: 2019 – 2020). Now working at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. | |
Kaira Wagoner: “An Investigation of the Relationships Between Common Stressors, Brood-Signaling, Hygienic Behavior, and Selective Breeding in the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)” (PhD: 2011-2015), then postdoc (2015 – 2021). Now working as a researcher at UNCG and co-founder or Optera. | |
Esmaeil Amiri: “Honey bee virus studies” and many other topics (postdoc: 2015 – 2021), now Assistant Research/Extension Professor at Mississippi State University | |
Phoebe Snyder: “The impact of honey bee (Apis mellifera) group size on hygienic behavior performance” (MSc: 2018-2020), now working in the honey bee industry and co-founder of Optera. | |
Carlos Vega Melendez: “Effects of early developmental stress in Apis mellifera” (PhD: 2013 – 2019), moved to USDA , and now working in the bioinformatic industry. | |
Shilpi Bhatia: “Genetic architecture of honey bee virus susceptibility” (PhD incomplete: 2017 – 2019) | |
Anissa Kennedy: “Increased Stress Resistance in Socially Manipulated Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Workers” (MSc: 2016 – 2018), then PhD student in Mainz, Germany. | |
Taylor Reams: “Examining the Factors Influencing Varroa destructor Host Selection of Apis mellifera Larvae” (MSc: 2016 – 2018), now postdoc at WSU. | |
Hongmei Li-Byarlay: “Genomic studies of stress resistance in honey bees” (NCSU-affiliated postdoc: 2014 – 2017), now Assistant Professor at Central State University | |
Bertrand Fouks: “Genomic studies of recombination and aging in honey bees” (2014 – 2015), now postdoc at the University of Munster, Germany. | |
Wendy Zuluaga Smith: “Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus in Apis mellifera queens: Impact on colony role, transmission routes, and immune priming” (MSc: 2014 – 2016), now working at LabCorp. | |
Katelyn Miller: “Construction and Fine-Scale Analysis of a High-Density, Genome-Wide Linkage Map to Examine Meiotic Recombination in the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera” (MSc: 2012 – 2014), now postdoc at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. | |
Ming Huang: “Genetics of oxidative stress resistance in honey bees” (NCSU-affiliated postdoc: 2012 – 2014), now working at Eurofins. | |
Kurt Langberg: “Testing the Effects of Oxidative Stress on Genomic Recombination in the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera.” (MSc: 2012 – 2014), now working at the University of Virginia. | |
Humberto Freire Boncristiani: “Functional genomics of IAPV infection in honey bees” (Postdoc: 2011 – 2013), now working at the University of Florida. | |
Ryan Kuster: “Expression Levels of Immune-genes in Developing Workers of Apis mellifera in Response to Reproductive Timing and Infestation Level by the Parasitic Mite Varroa destructor.” (MSc: 2010 – 2012), undergraduate (2009), now working at the University of Tennessee. | |
Mike Simone-Finstroem: “Honey bee stress and aging” (NCSU-affiliated postdoc: 2011 – 2012), now working at the USDA ARS Honey Bee Lab in Baton Rouge. | |
Cordelia Forkpah (Sackey-Mensah): “The Effect of Xenobiotics on the Honeybee Adult Intestinal Stem Cell Proliferation.” (MSc: 2009 – 2012), now working at the University of Rochester. | |
Laura Tucker (Willard): “Development and Analysis of Primary Cultures from the Midgut of the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera.” (MSc: 2008 – 2012), DVM in Minnesota. | |
Emily McLean (Meznar): “Genomic Synteny and Comparison of Recombination between A. mellifera (the European Honey Bee) and A. florea (the Red Dwarf Honey Bee).” (MSc: 2007 – 2009), now Assistant Professor at Emory University. | |
Allie Graham: “The Genetic Architecture of Reproductive Differences in Workers of Africanized and European Honey Bees, Apis mellifera.” (MSc: 2007 – 2009), now postdoctoral researcher at the University of Utah. | |
Kristen Ward: “A Study of Cellular Proliferation and Apoptosis in Short- and Long-lived Honey Bees, Apis mellifera. ” (MSc: 2004 – 2006), Physician at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital. |
Past Undergraduate Lab Members:
Harneet Tatla (2024) Still studying… |
Luan Mesquita da Silva (2024)Still studying… | Vanessa Gomez Fornaziero (2024)Still studying… | Mingcong Zeng (2024) Still studying… |
Rupika Banda (2024) Pharmacy School (Univ. of Alberta) |
Kaitlin Kinahan (2022-2023) Still studying… |
Kayla De Jong (2021-2024) Alberta Apicultural Inspector |
Nick Krys (2023) Still studying… |
Tianna Tanasichuck (2021-2024) Private Industry |
Heather Anderson (2023-2024) Graduate School (Univ. of Alberta) |
Bogdan Cojocaru-Marian (2021-2023) Medical School (Italy) |
Jocelyn Chui (2023) |
Cleo Randall (2021-2022) |
Akanksha Yeola (2021-2022) | Jaymie Martin (2021)
Technician (Univ. of Alberta) |
Hunter Haeberle (2022) |
Luke Nelson (2022) Graduate School (Univ. of Alberta) |
Bethany Carswell (2019-2021)
Veterinary School (University of Illinois) |
Asia Brannon (2018-2020)
Medical School (UNC Chapel-Hill) |
Cristian Hernandez (2019 – 2020)
Health Care Professional |
Jackson Keever (2020)
Anh Pham (2019 – 2020)
Dental School (University of Detroit) |
Emily Jordon (2019)
Medical School (University of West Virginia) |
Shaun Pitts (2019 – 2020)
Medical School (Campbell University) |
Sarah Krug (2018 – 2019)
Tatiana Molina-Morales (2018 – 2019)
Medical School (Colombia) |
Kali Cox (2018 – 2019) |
Matthew Hill (2019) Graduate School (NC A&T University) |
Spencer Moore (2019) Graduate School (University of Colorado at Boulder) |
Maya Brody (2019)
Industry |
Kevin Le (2017-2018) |
Kimberlyn Eversman (2018) Graduate School (University of Tennessee Knoxville) |
Mohamad Omar Ani (2018) Medical School (University of Pennsylvania) |
Katherine Barrs (2018) | Zea Robinson (2018) |
Max McCall (2017 – 2018) Medical School (University of Central Florida) |
Saman Baral (2017 – 2018, Honors Thesis) Graduate School (Emery University) |
Eden Simmons (2018) | Foray Keita (2017 – 2018) |
Mustafa Noori (2016 – 2017) |
Samyra Blackeney (2017) |
Erin Estes (2017) |
Christopher Reid (2017) |
Mark Rothermund (2017) |
Franco Abad (2017) |
Antron Spooner (2017) Medical School (Howard University) |
Talia Heckman (2016) |
Timothy Delory (2016) Graduate School (Utah State University) |
Karen Funderburk (2016 – 2017) Graduate School (Arizona State University) |
Katherina Santiago (2016) |
Sherry Browne (2016) MRes in Biomedical Science and Translational Medicine |
Sara Rubio-Correa (2015 – 2017) Graduate School (UNC-Chapel-Hill) |
Heeral Lakhani (2015 – 2016) |
Greg Seddon (2015 – 2016) Industry |
Chelsea MaLyn Lawhorn (2015), left Graduate School (NCSU) |
Rachel Schomaker (2015), right Graduate School (University of South Carolina) |
Tinaye Mutetwa (2015 – 2017, Honors thesis) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |
Samantha McPherson (2015) Graduate School (NCSU) |
Basema Khan (2014) |
Ashley LaVere (2014)
Graduate School (University of Georgia) |
Quinton Irby (2014 – 2015) |
Eli Thompson (2014) |
Jasmine Everett (2014) |
Daniel Smith (2013 – 2015), left Industry |
Juan Collazo (2013 – 2015), right Research Specialist (Duke Clinical Research Institute) |
Babak Yousefi (2013 – 2016, Honors thesis) Dental School (UNC Chapel-Hill) |
Caitlin Ross (2012 – 2014) Graduate School (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) |
Tiffany Fowler (2012 – 2016) High School Teacher |
Matthew Phillips (2012 – 2015) Graduate School (University of Delaware) |
Francisco Belinchon (2012 – 2013) Graduate School (University of Glasgow) |
Kayla Jackson (2012) |
Candice Harrison (2011) |
Bobbee Vannasane (2011 – 2013) UNC Dental School |
Dominick DeFelice (2011 – 2014, Honors thesis) Medical School (UNC Chapel-Hill) |
Tara McCray (2011) Graduate School (University of Illinois at Chicago) |
Stephen Meier (2010) |
Dawit Adnew (2009) |
Luke Dixon (2009 – 2012) High Point University |
Ellen Lonon (2009) |
Michelle McQuage (2009) |
Nicholas Arvanitis (2009) |
Danielle Lucas (2009 – 2010) Graduate School (NCSU) |
Stephen Brown (2009) |
Nathan Ross (2008) High School Teacher |
Ashley Hayes (2008 – 2009) Graduate School (UNC-Wilmington) |
Matthew Whilhelm (2007) Graduate School (University of Connecticut) |
Kaitlin Clinnin (2007 – 2008) |
Javier Luzon (2007 – 2008) National Institutes of Health |
Miranda Hayworth (2007 – 2008) MD-PhD Program (Georgia) |
Robert Gove (2007) Graduate School (University of Maryland) |
Megan Leagon (2007) |
Nels Johnson (2007) Graduate School (Virginia Tech) |
Lauren Groves (2006 – 2007) Medical School (Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine) |
Michael Munday (2006 – 2009, Honor thesis) Veterinary Technician |
Jennifer Coleman (2006 – 2008, Honor thesis) Research Technician (UNC Chapel-Hill) |
Megan Wallrichs (2006 – 2008, Honor thesis) Graduate School (Delaware State) |
Kari Fine (2005 – 2006) Vet-MD School (University of Georgia) |
Dominique Buehler (2005 – 2006) Graduate School (Switzerland) |
Anny Pena (2005 – 2006) |
Akuabata Kerns (2005 – 2006) |
Preston Gardner (2005 – 2006) Medical School (West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine) |
Caroline Mulcrone (2005) Pharmacy School (Ohio) |
Robyn Douglas (2004) High School Teacher |
Oumar Seck (2003 – 2005) Industry |
Rex Kirkman (2003 – 2004) |