BGSA Executive Meeting, March 8, 2018

BGSA Executive Meeting, March 8, 2018


In attendance: Francesca, Colleen, Antonia, Dylan Carley, Alyssa, Perrine, Alex

Regrets: Erik


Past Events:


RE Peter: Budget:

Broke even

Meet with Department in April to go over RE Peter Budget for 2019

For next year, both mixers in CW410


PD Workshop:

40 people signed up and only 10 went

For next year, perhaps hold in September


Thesis Writing Workshop:

55 signed up, 42 attended, good attendance

Centre for writer’s speaker was valuable

Thesis requirements done by Tracy, valuable as well


Upcoming Events:


Candidacy Workshop:

Tentatively set for April



Set for April 14th at 3pm

Approx. $100 per team of 4 / $25 a person

Trivia afterwards, extra charge?

Brian is coming up with theme and will make poster


Undergraduate Group Event:

March 22nd, 2018

Presentation of skills required to be a grad student

Looking for people to be editors for the Eureka Journal



In Friday April 6th at 5pm

Free food (pizza) and beverages

Information to be sent out soon


Potential Workshop Event for Next Year

Photoshop or Illustrator how-to workshop

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