BGSA Executive Meeting Minutes, October 17 2019

BGSA Monthly Meeting – 14:00, October 17 2019


Voting Members Present: Kyle, Spencer, Miranda, Clair, Anmol, Erin

Other: Jessica (GSA Rep), Noelle and Kate guests

Andrew and Gulnara join at 3:00


Treasury Update:

Snack room needs more stock.

Claire and Jenny available to do costco runs.

 $716 from last count.


EDI Working Group – Jessica

Department starting a working group. Grad students that started it, transferred to more faculty heavy. Want a present student voice. Want to make formally affiliated with SGSAC group. Outline sent to bgsa. Would like feedback from the BGSA on purpose and action items. Jessica personal priority to offer a survey of students across biosci of rates and types of breaches of EDI. No data available for this type of thing and no good way to report any type of harassment. Perhaps a departmental response unit. 

If anyone interested to join the group, meeting with GSA President, Vice President, and Secretary. No date set yet. Get in touch Jessica if interested. Can reach out to graduate mailing list to ask for more members of subcomittee.

Proposal of Committee/Working Group of BGSA for this to join the EDI working group.


Kyle moves to create subcomittee of the BGSA.

Spencer seconds

All in favour. No opposed. No abstaining.

Jessica will chair sub committee.



Doesn’t have: Anmol and Claire. All other voting members have.


Wednesday Nighter Update

Jenny has update from Phil. They realised it was not feasible to have alcohol (to purchase liquor license) or go through the BGSA. To help with promotions they will look into making a formal club next semester.


Monthly Meeting Time – Erin

Thursdays at 330. Setting time for Nov 7th.


Info Session for becoming a wildlife biologist on Nov 7th at 5.


Twitter – Jessica

Jessica wants the go ahead to start account. Contact her if you have ideas or comments.


RE Peter – Spencer

Secured grants from FGSR. Haven’t heard back from Department.

Erin get email from spencer and invite to next meeting.


SGSAC – Spencer

Science by the Pint successful. 108 people. Chose logo.

Want to continue this event, maybe more than once a  semester.

Didn’t cost anything, and made some money from tickets.

BGSA has voting privileges (one per club). Select voting members prior to meeting.

Next meeting: Thursday October 24th, CCIS 5-503

Hear about issues/similar interests in other departments


Strategic Planning – Kyle

Department has a strategic planning working group (one day intensive workshop-discussion). One of their initiates is an official EDI statement for the department. Invited graduate students to participate in that planning. 10-12 spots available. 

Invited bgsa to decide who to send. Want to be a diverse and representative group.

Create a committee to decide who goes based on whatever criteria.

Those going from BGSA should not be able to serve on the selection committee.

Andrew, Kyle, and Jenny as bgsa members.

Spencer motions to vote. Miranda seconds.

Kyle and Jenny abstain.

All in favour: Erin, Claire, Miranda, Spencer, Anmol.

No one opposed.


Kyle moves to create a subcommittee to select the strategic planning group.

Miranda seconds.

All in favour: Erin, Claire, Miranda, Spencer, Anmol, Jessica

Abstaining: Kyle, Jenny

No opposed.

Spencer would like to chair.

Miranda, Claire, and Erin to be on committee to select remaining 9 spots. (List two alternates in case of scheduling)

Outline what are important aspects (EDI being important part of that) and ask for people to explain why they would be a good fit. Make it clear that information is confidential and will be destroyed afterwards. Ok to ask program and year, masters or phd, specialization, and PI of lab, and teaching experience (semesters and classes). Are you an international student, is this your first degree at the uofa.


Form made by next week. Make clear of what working group will be and what will be involved in the process.

Keep open for 10 days. Email Coltman and get approval before letting students know.

Message from chair has some mention of strategic planning.


Combine this email with EDI working group email.


Workshops and Events

Workshop Subcommittee Update

End of November workshop of publication writing/reviewer comments, or grant writing.

Toby willing to join as a faculty member – speak to Gulnara.

Discussion about compensation for professors or students leading workshops/training sessions.


Third Thursdays

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkins bought – 20. 1.50 per pumpkin. Charging 5 per pumpkin.

Need to get knives.

Kyle made posters, will email out. 

Jenny, Jessica, and Kyle can bring slow cooker for apple cider.

Encourage in email to bring treats.


Ping Pong Tourny

November 21st 5:00  – Erin to submit date change

Can ask for $5 buy in. RSVP to be in tournament.

Purpose to buy new ping pong table.

Prize in addition to trophy can be free # snacks from lounge. BGSA bucks.



No progress


Proposed event coordinator role, perhaps one of the vice presidents.

Erin can check in to different subcommittees for each event with planning progress.

Erin to create excel sheet with events and point people for each event.


Joint event with OBS and BGSA, plant swap for third thursday event next semester. Communication ongoing. (Andrew and Erin)


Photo Content – BGSA exec members allowed to submit.

Email to Jessica when winner announced so she can post on twitter.


Coffee Hour

Made $100. 



Andrew on it. Happening slowly. May move to third thursday next term.


Volunteer Status for Events

  • Bonspiel is covered
  • Others to cover as needed



Jessica – Following Departmental meeting last night. Budget cut across university. Strategy to recruit new undergrads, 500 more. Likely means a higher student to ta ratio. Jessica setting up meeting with vp of labour, strengthen/occurence of audits of hours used by tas in the past. 


Meeting Adjourned 3:35pm

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