BGSA Executive Meeting Minutes, March 25 2019

BGSA March Exec Meeting – Monday, March 25, 1:00 – 2:00 pm


Regrets: Ruhul, Alyssa



  • BGSA Lounge: Andrew
    • Photo contest has submissions, need more research submissions. Have lots of coffee so will keep selling that and will use that for lounge. All baking goods are being provided for the rest of the semester. Want to think about coffee over the summer – at email or elections but no decision on whether we will do it. 


  • RE Peter: Spencer/Andrew
    • Beer was leftover, and money was leftover as well. So bought a cart and a projector for the BGSA. Will give awards in cash for some with email paper trails. And will process the rest of the money for it as well.
  • Budget: Spencer/Antonia
    • Have run out of cheques. Will double check speed codes to ensure end-of-year is up-to-date. Should finish off the year at ~$4000.
    • Need a mock budget for the end of the year.
  • Snackroom: 
    • Will probably need an additional person over the summer.

Future Events

  • Curling (March): Brian and Courtney
    • 7 teams signed up, 2 teams still need to pay. Brian will hold on to the cash and pay things as necessary. Will book tomorrow or Wednesday. Curling 3-6. Trivia and (free) pizza afterwards.
  • Candidacy (April): Colleen will take over from Andrew
    • Will plan to have that done before the election. There will be a talk and a pannel.
  • Writing Workshop: Spencer and Andrew
    • Centre4Writers said no. Needs to be later than April 15th (from March 25th).
  • Elections
    • April 29th, will have pizza. Colleen will draft an email before she sends it out. Exec elections including possibly GSA and definitely RE Peter in April, Budget and other position elections such as departmental council in September. Roles/responsibilities. 

Other Business

  • BioSci Wellness Project Grant: Colleen
  • Community Survey: Andrew
    • Weekly or monthly walks in the River Valley. Have a researcher come along who talks about stuff – include this in the elections?
    • Will have a community meeting next week at which the survey will be discussed.
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