BGSA Executive Meeting Minutes, February 25 2019

BGSA January Meeting – Monday, February 25, 1:00 – 2:00 pm


Proposed Agenda


  • BGSA Lounge: Andrew
    • Will get a couple of boardgames from Antonia and Andrew. Will send out a call for boardgames and books in general. Photo contest for putting things up on the wall both research and non-research. To print those would need $60. What other things do we want? How much are we willing to put in? Another $40 for fake plants? Will use coffee money for pictures first, then see from there.
  • Budget update: Antonia and Spencer
    • Coffee sustains itself, and actually makes money. $620 and change in the last 2 weeks. Spend $650 on last snack run. Reminder email of snack room possibly did its job. Will work on making pricing easier for people.
  • Killam mentor award: Colleen
    • Received packages, will send them out today and vote by Friday.


  • IDP Workshop: Nikki
    • Will put together a package for what information/how to better deliver information.

Future Events:

  • Science FUNday (March 9 th )?
    • Andrew will send out an email for volunteers.
  • RE Peter: Spencer /Andrew
    • Everything is falling into place. Abstracts are still open, 54 have been submitted, but need to be in today. Upper Crust will cater. Do we need to buy more alcohol for the 8th? Will get Coca-Cola.
  • Curling (March): Yueyang and Courtney
    • Have decided date: March 30th! Will have pizza, no kitchen at the Granite. Do have a bar, so can drink there. Cost per person for ice is $25. Will charge $30 to include pizza into prize. Will think of a theme.
  • Candidacy Workshop (April): Andrew
    • Will discuss next month.
  • Writing Workshop (March): Spencer and Andrew
    • Will try to incorporate it with RE Peter. C4W does not have anyone available. Will go to FGSR, or try a prof.

Other Business:

  • BioSci Wellness Project Grant: Colleen
    • Being put together by Carla and Melissa Roach. They want to put us on there as collaborators. Want different activities such as yoga, coffee, and others events. Colleen will send out their grant so we can take a look at it. Most of the money they will get will go towards bringing in people.
  • BGSA Constitution ad-hoc committee: Colleen/Andrew
    • Need to review our constitution before the election.
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