Boyce Lab

Andrew Ladle, Ph.D.

IMG_5693Human access management in west-central Alberta: Implications for movement and behaviour of grizzly bears 

The focus of my work is to understand grizzly bear response to human use of trails and seismic lines using a combination of bear movement data and trail cameras. The foothills and mountains surrounding Cadomin in west-central Alberta is home to a low-density grizzly bear population alongside human use of the wilderness that varies in type, magnitude and time of year. These data will be used to inform management on the impact of different types of recreational use on grizzly bear movement behaviour. Current methods for assessing grizzly bear populations involve rather expensive DNA based protocols. This project aims to assess the potential for using remote camera data as an alternative tool for multi-species population distribution and abundance monitoring.

Contact information
Andrew Ladle Ph.D student
Phone: 780-239-4464