Ebrahim (Ebi) Lari

Post-Doctoral Fellow

The primary focus of my research is on physiology and aquatic toxicology. I am interested in investigating the response of aquatic animals to environmental stressors, changes in water quality parameters and contamination, from molecular all the way to organism level.  I am currently involved in three Projects:

Investigating the effects of treated and untreated oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) on of the native species of Northern Alberta. The goal of this study is to determine the impacts of OSPW on the dominant native species of the region and consequently, the potentially receiving ecosystem. Also, to determine the effectiveness of the proposed treatment on the toxicity of OSPW.

Evaluating the post-spill fate and adverse effects of hydraulic fracking effluents in sediments. The objective of this project is to study the absorption of contaminants from FPW into the sediment and how the contaminated sediment affects benthic species and fish embryos for an extended period after the spill has occurred.

Impacts of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water (FPW) on the olfaction and olfactory mediated behaviours of Fathead minnow. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the time-dependent effects of FPW on olfactory sensitivity and olfactory mediated behaviours in fish. The second objective of the project is to determine the mechanisms of the effect FPW on the olfactory system of fish.


For full list of publications, see Ebi Lari’s orcID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3623-877X


Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards

2020: Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship – 2 years – $50,000 annually (total: $100,000)

2019: Company of Biologists Travel Grant – $630

2019: Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship – 2 years – $70,000 annually (total: $140,000)

2017: Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB) Scholarship – $2,500

2016: Graduate Students’ Association Travel Award – $500

2016: Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB) Scholarship – $2,500

2016: Dissemination award – $1,500

2016: SETAC World Congress travel award – $800

2015: Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW) Student Travel Award- $300

2015: Nexen Fellowship in water research – 2 years – $15,000 annually (total: $30,000)

2009: Best presentation award at National Congress of fishery students – $150

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