L13-1: Lyginopteris oldhamia from England U. Carboniferous.
L13-11: Lyginopteris oldhamia from England. U. Carboniferous. Peel of stem l.s.
L13-12: Lyginorachis x.s. from England, U. Carboniferous. Peel.
L13-15: Lagenostoma ovoides from England, U. Carboniferous. Slide l.s. of seed.
L13-16: Lagenostoma ovoides from England, U. Carboniferous. slide.
L13-17: Calymmatotheca-like cupules with associated seeds from Lingan Mine Dump, Cape Breton.
L13-18: Crossotheca, from Mazon Creek. Pennsylvanian.
L13-23: Heterangium grievii x.s. from Pettycur, Scotland. L. Carboniferous. Slide.
L13-28: Callistophyton boysettii, shoing roots in x.s. Peel.
L13-29: Callistophyton poroxyloides from Berryville, IL. Peel.
L13-31: Idanothekion from Berryville. IL. Peel.
L13-33: Callospermarion x.s. of seed. Peel.
L13-35: Medullosa noei stem.
L13-36: Medullosa noie x.s. of stem with 2 “steles”. Peel.
L13-38: Medullosa thompsonii x.s. of stem. Peel.
L13-40: Medullosa noei x.s. of stem with 3 steles. Peel.
L13-49: Alethopteris from Calhoun, IL. Peel.
L13-50: Myeloxylon x.s. of petiole of Medullosa. Peel.
L13-52: Myeloxylon x.s. from Kansas.
L13-56: Trigonocarpus from Alabama, Pennylvanian.
L13-59: Trigonocarpus Alabama, Pennsylvanian.
L13-70: Pachytesta illinoensis x.s. from N.A. U. pennsylvanian. Peel.
L13-73: Pachytesta gigantea.
L13-81: Dolerotheca fromosa from Berryville, IL. U. Pennsylvanian.
L13-84: Alethopteris x.s. Peel, showing pinnules and pinna. Age U.Pennsylvanian.
L13-88: Codonotheca (crushed).
Specimen showing monolete spores in the sporangia. From N.A. Age U.Pennsylvanian.
L13-93: Whittleseya.
From Alabama. Age Pennsylvanian.
L13-98: Whittleseya
L13-103: Medullosa leuckartii x.s. Peel, note 4 peripheral “steles”. From France. Age Permian.
L13-109: Glossopteris.
From Maloney’s Q, Australia. Age Upper Permian.
L13-111: Glossopteris.
From Maloney’s Q, Australia. Age U.Permian.
L13-120: Glossopteris.
From Nott’s Q, N.S.W. Australia. Age Triassic.
L13-127: Glossopteris.
From India. Age U.Permian.
L13-129: Glossopteris.
From Pubbo, N.S.W. Australia. Age U.Permian.
L13-104: Caytonia
L13-107: Caytonanthus
From Cayton Bay. Age Jurassic.