The Wildlife Society (TWS) involvement

Council Activities:

2018-2024 Canadian Representative to The Wildlife Society Council
2018-2024 Publications Committee, Chair (2021-2024)
2018-2024 Position Statements Committee, Chair (2020-2021); Liaison to Ad-hoc Committee on Lead in Hunting Ammunition and Fishing Tackle (2022-2023)
2023-2024 Strategic planning Committee
2020-2023 Bylaws Committee
2018-2024 Fellows Committee
2018-2024 Policy Committee
2018-2024 Group Awards              

Other Activities

2024 Alberta Chapter – Awards Committee

2018-2024 Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society (CSTWS) – Board member

2023-2024 Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society (CSTWS) – Search Committee for Canadian Policy Consultant

2023-2024 Joint CSTWS-AB Chapter Annual Meeting – Abstract Review Committee

2022-2023 Joint CSTW-BC Chapter Annual Meeting – Open Session Co-planner

2019-2023 Chapter meetings – Invited speaker at Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan

2022 Norway Student Chapter meeting, Evanstad, Norway – Speaker

2019-2021 Leadership Institute – mentor program

2015-2018 Canadian Section TWS – Canadian Section Awards, Chair

2014-2016  Journal of Wildlife Management (2 yrs) – Editor-In-Chief

2013-2015 Canadian Section TWS – President-elect, President, Past President (second time)

2012-2014  Journal of Wildlife Management – Associate Editor

2012  The Wildlife Society – Aldo Leopold Award Committee, Chair

2011-2012 TWS Wildlife Technical Review, co-author: Ungulate Magt in National Parks

2011 CSTWS-Alberta Joint meeting, 1st Student Conclave – Co-organizer

2011 The Wildlife Society – Jim McDonough Awards, Chair

2009-2011 Alberta Chapter – President elect, President, Past President

2009 The Wildlife Society, Presidential Nominations – Chair

2009-2010 Canadian representative to EAB

2008-2009 Canadian Section – Executive Board Member

2007-2008 Chair – The Wildlife Society – Canadian Section – Nominations Committee

2008 Joint Canadian Section-Central Mountains & Plains Section, Gimli, MB – Plenary Session, Co-Chair

2008 Canadian Section (starting year) – Past president

2005 ID Chapter of TWS, Women in Wildlife Symposium, Boise ID – Invited speaker

2002 Northwest Section Annual Conference, Banff Alberta – Plenary Session, Chair

2001-2002 The Wildlife Society – Alberta Chapter TWS – Executive Board Member

2000 Journal of Wildlife Management (EIC search) – Selection Committee Member

2000-2002 Alberta Chapter – TWS – Membership Committee, Chair

1994-1999 Wisconsin Chapter of TWS – Member

1992-1993 Wyoming TWS Chapter, Awards Committee, Chair

1990-1991 Wyoming Chapter, Resolutions and Position Statements  – Chair

1990-1994 University of Wyoming Student Chapter – Advisor

1991-1993 Wyoming Chapter of TWS – Newsletter editor

1988-1990 The Wildlife Society, Wyoming Chapter – 1988-1990 – Newsletter Editor

Certified Wildlife Biologist since 1996 (approximate)

2012-2021 Invited talks:

  • TWS Annual Mtg: Plenary (2018);
  • WOW Symposia (2021, 2013);
  • Special symposia (2012: CWD, 2015: Migration; 2016: Research-Magt gaps). 

TWS publications:

  • 11 articles published in either WSB or JWM;
  • 15 Editor Messages in Journal of Wildlife Management (2014-2015);
  • 2023 Book chapter in TWS-John Hopkins book series as author (Women in Wildlife);
  • 1 Edited book: Nutritional Ecology of Large Herbivores (on-going).

TWS Awards
2023 Alberta Chapter – The Wildlife Society- Publication Award: Technical Journal Article 2020 Alberta Chapter – The Wildlife Society- Publication Award: Technical Journal Article
2017 Alberta Chapter – The Wildlife Society – Group Special Recognition Award with M. Boyce for joint contributions to the Chapter
2016  The Wildlife Society –  Distinguished Service Award for service to Publications
2013  Alberta Chapter – William Rowan Professional Service Award (top award of Chapter) 
2012 Fellow, The Wildlife Society
2011 Alberta Chapter – Dedicated Service Award

Chapter Memberships: (approximate dates on early memberships)
1976-1978 University of Idaho Student Chapter of TWS, member
1979-1982 Idaho Chapter of TWS
1983-1986 Washington Chapter of TWS
1987-1994 Wyoming Chapter of TWS
1994-1999 Wisconsin Chapter of TWS
1999-present    Alberta Chapter of TWS
2018 – present: Chapter of British Columbia
2020 – present: Chapters of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario