BIOL 299 – Research Opportunity Program in the Biological Sciences
Biology 299 is a course in the Department of Biological Sciences that offers
undergraduate students the opportunity to experience original research early in their
university studies. Students can expect to learn research methods, engage in discussions of scientific research and experience the research environment in the department.
Prerequisite: GPA of 2.5 or higher, a 100 or 200 level course in the field of research and consent of department. Detailed information and requirements for Biology 299.
No projects available for 2012/13
If you are interested or have further questions, please contact Dr Taylor (
BIOL 499 – Research Project
BIOL 499 research topics are flexible, and would be tailored to individual interest.
However, I am particularly keen for students to be involved in the functional characterization of P1B-type heavy-metal ATPase transporters.
If you are interested or have further questions, please contact Dr Taylor (
Detailed information and requirements for Biology 499