Meeting Minutia

BGSA Executive Meeting Minutes, September 20 2018

BGSA Exec Meeting Minutes – 12:00, September 20, 2018


Regrets: Ruhul



  • All execs need to send pics and bio to Colleen
  • Assign ‘portfolios’ to Executive. Work with volunteers for these events to make sure they are on top of it.

Christmas: Alyssa

Job Fair: Colleen

IDP: Nikki

Curling: Yueyang

April candidacy workshop: Andrew

Intramurals: Erik

Writing workshop: Spencer & Andrew

  • Student Awards
  • Fill Sports Council Positions
  • Departmental Council & Admission and Awards

Have applications from general student body. Departmental Council will have all 4 spots on the roster filled.

  • Schedule October Budget meeting

Will schedule at next BGSA meeting



  • Halloween Party: cancelled, was not well attended last year
  • Updates on Event Organizer Training + Proserve

Everybody should get Proserve first. Email Chelsea and sign up for Event Organizer Training

Need to double check insurance practices

  • Calendar of events
  • Hot Lunches: once per month or so, have a hot lunch that costs a little money (at cost). Colleen and Andrew will run. Can let her know ideas about food.
  • Q&A with the BGSA once per month with coffee, during lunch. More casual events where a speaker comes to talk about varied events. For example, expenses with Dean, GSA Labour and Collective Agreement, MBSU, etc. Need to think of more.


Discussion with Marc Waddingham about BioSci Chair Search Committee

  • What concerns do Grad Students have? What does that mean we want the new BioSci Chair to agree on?

Supervisor and Grad relationship, is it a labour issue?

TAships and RAships, and compensation. Including possible salary increase with increased years of teaching.

Tuition and fees.

Mental health.

Post-grad employment.

(BioSci) Administration and its breakdown. Needs to be more communication, more streamlined, they need to want to talk to us.

The instructor’s track record and their relationship with (their) graduate students.

OHS includes proper treatment in the ‘workplace’. We need more reporting on this, and more talking about this. Need a structure in place to get concerns to the GSA. Great issue to keep on top of, might not be on issue here.

Make sure we have a chair willing to step up to talk about issues and challenge decisions or policies that are created. The chair dictates the community, the relationship between the faculty, staff, grad students, and undergraduates.

Need someone who is well rounded and understands that all parts of the faculties are important.


Will include Mark on the invites to previous exec meetings. Will possibly include the fact that he will be there and is there to talk to Grad issues.